Hello world. My name is Christina and I am the founder of CUhlDesigns. When I was 11 years old, I was taught how to make beaded jewelry and weave lanyards and do little creative projects. At one point I was trying to sell this jewelry so I had to create a business name and that's when CUhlDesigns was originally born. my first name is Christina and my last name is Uhl, so you put that together and it becomes pretty CUhl. ;)
Many years went by and many different stories that was my life happened and in 2015 I wound up building new skills in a new position and started looking through the entrepreneurs lens with skills in different creative areas that I developed through passion and dedication. That's when I revived CUhlDesigns and what it meant to me.
Since 2016 I have been developing what CUhlDesigns means. It started as a creative platform for art sales, turned into a photography business, and has officially pivoted into an experience based event business out to completely reinvent our social spaces by uniting the community in unique and exciting ways.
CUhlDesigns at it's core is deeply in love with the symbiosis of the flavors in which we are gifted by the natural world. We firmly believe in celebrating fresh and natural ingredients within our work and we work with producers that have similar beliefs. We have a belief that we have a duty to our community and to the world to do better for each other and exist to help elevate the people doing great work to bring natural sustainable products, businesses and business practices to the market.
If we can bring more smiles to the table by partnering in the right places with the right people we are doing exactly what we are meant to be doing. We would like to send endless gratitude to those that support us, that partner with us and that have been there for us along the way! We are extremely excited for growth and a strengthening of relationships across all of our markets.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for being here, and thank your support, we're very excited to meet you at our next event!